Welcome and thank you for visiting woodruffmediagroup.com. As a potential client walking through my door, I would like to take this opportunity to explain why you should consider my services. But first I would to address why you are here and how my company can fill gaps in your production, streamline the process and reduce costs.

With movie studios consolidating; lack luster returns at the box office; expensive talent and digital streaming services cutting into market share, many traditional studios are faced with the challenges to stay competitive in an ever changing environment. You may have asked yourself the following when analyzing the future of filmmaking that has kept you up at night.

  • Will I have to sacrifice quality just to stay under budget?

  • Are more less known actors in featured roles a viable option?

  • Do I follow trends in Hollywood or should I venture into other creative areas of filmmaking?


Producer Only vs. PWD

Let's first consider the timeline it takes for a Producer Only, as it is presently understood in Hollywood.

1. Development (Producer has to find and acknowledge promising material)

2. Pre-Production (If not based on an original script the producer has to find an appropriate screenwriter)

3. Production (Supervision can be delegated to EP, LP or UPM)

4. Post-Production (Manage editing process including which sounds or music or scenes have to be cut)

The movie studio can expect to pay millions towards an experienced producer which may include their baseline salary, back-end profits and bonuses (at or below budget met), etc. Now compound those costs with the Screenwriter and Director depending on how the deal is structured.

Now let's consider the timeline for a PWD.

1. Development (PWD) has promising material and can develop a commissioned screenplay in-house)

2. Production (Supervision can be delegated to EP, LP or UPM.

3. Post-Production (Manage editing process including which sounds or music or scenes have to be cut)

One fee (baseline, back-end profits and bonuses) paid by the studio to the PWD.

(Notice: Step two of the process is eliminated from the Producer Only timeline)


Skill Sets

Let me ask you a question. If you could find ONE talent that has demonstrated the capacity to write, produce and direct, would you hire them? Instead of paying separately for a PWD (Producer, Writer, Director), their exceptional talent could work in your favor, and serve as a cost cutting measure. Now you have additional resources than can be invested in marketing and the like.

How would that be accomplished without sacrificing quality? Think about it this way. Just as some Camera Operators have the skill-set to shoot with the mindset of how they will edit, you have effectively gained more output of your talent, right? The same can be said with a PWD. The PWD is looking for ways to save on production costs during the initial storyboard/writing process, while simultaneously working out the details of the scenes. In essence what you have is better efficiency and less financing of the project.

This is what I am able to accomplish for you!


Key Example

How Cruel Words and Actions Can Hurt The Innermost Part of Us

With a self-financed budget of ten-thousand dollars, I was able to be my own PWD and successfully create my short film with several features including SAG actor Rodney Perry (Madea's Big Happy Famly), Taj En'Phiniti (The Dempsey Sisters), Alexus Lapri Geier (Standing Up with Val Kilmer), Vicky Dee (mom of Gucci Mane), and Malik Stokes (son of Killer Mike).

If I was able to create this project with a modest investment, imagine what I can do for you with a slightly bigger budget!



Although fonsecawoodruff.com is your principle PWD, we have a vast network of professionals in the Atlanta film community to meet your production requirements. Our network ensures we are scalable to meet the demands to execute multiple projects in our production timeline simultaneously without any impact to the schedule we have set for you.


In Conclusion

If you are looking for an alternative to traditional filmmaking and trust our creative team with full autonomy to execute your vision please contact us today for an initial consultation.